Hi fellows! Is it possible to avoid the recursive lookup of direcotories.
In a deep directory hierarchy recursive lookup becomes very sluggish.
I noticed that there is a command "CONTENTFOLDER /O norecurse". I tried to implement it but OPUS9 hangs. Well, of course, that is my own fault, I know. But how can this be implemented, or is this the function I look for?
Well, if you, as in my case, have some thounsands of directories containing different files each; just to open the directory to show what is on the next level down takes several minutes, at least for Windows explorer. It takes also quite some time for OPUS9 to display the files at the next level down.
Some versions ago of the Windows explorer, I think I rememeber that one could set a flag to not lookup directories recursively, so as to save time. Only the directory level below was looked up. The response was instantaneous. Maybe it was the old XTREE Pro Gold that had this ability.
If you're just navigating around normally, and Flat View is not enabled and automatic calculation of sub-directory sizes is not enabled, then Opus already doesn't do any recursive directory reading.
Well, I guess what I said is not quite true. If the Folder Tree is open then Opus will see if the subdirectories are empty or not to decide whether to put a + by them, but that isn't a recursive scan (it only goes one level deep and only checks whether that level has any subdirectories) and is usually very quick. I think it's also done on a background thread. (If you want to see if that has a significant impact, just close the tree and see if it makes a different.)
If automatic calculation of sub-directories is what's causing problems, see the FAQs list (linked in my sig) where there's an item about how to turn it off.