No video in preview pane


I have tried to disable "movie" plug but it's not better. Only a thumbnail of the video appears.


See the media playback FAQ for suggestions.

Also make sure videos play in Windows Media Player.

I haven't windows media player on my computer. But videos work well with potplayer or VLC.

Nothing works here:

I have only the thumb of the video I want to auto play.

I don't know if it's related but I use Icaros.
Issue continues even when Icaros features are disabled.

I have the same preview video issue with XYplorer, too.

The same version of Icaros works here, XYplorer and DOpus. Try uninstalling Icaros and all the same preview programs? Sometimes the preview program causes problems, if you reinstall the problem may go away.

VLC uses built-in codecs so it won’t tell you if the shared codecs on your system are broken/missing.


I have installed K lite mega codec. Now, "movie" works but before the video reading, Opus freezes between 2 or 3 secondes!

Active X displays as usual a thumbnail of the video.

Do other video players (ones which use the system-wide codecs) have the same delay for the same files?

Absolutly not! My computer is very powerfull and I have got nvme.
Now, I can read videos inside XYplorer without lag or freez.

Were they working in XY before? If so it probably isn't using the codecs you just installed.

XY is also a 32-bit application, so it won't be using the same 64-bit codecs that Opus will be using, which can make a difference at times. (Many codec packs only include one or the other.)

If you can install Windows Media Player, that should at least make the ActiveX route work, and may also fix other issues.

No. There were only thumbs.

I have installed windows media player, but I have this horrible white area at the buttom. Is it normal? Do you know how to switch this to dark mode, please?

WMP's ActiveX has no dark mode as Microsoft never updated it.

We're in the process of re-writing the Opus Movie plugin, which will support dark mode when it's done.

If I uninstall K lite mega codec, Opus movie doesn't work anymore (even If media player is installed). Do you know which coded does it use, please? Maybe I can find a fast codec for it?

Which codecs are used depends on the videos you're trying to view and how they were encoded.