@nodeselect vbscript

I am trying to do a rename in vbscript with a button and keep the renamed files selected. I can't seem to do this


@script vbscript
Option Explicit

Function OnClick(ByRef ClickData)
 	Dim vs_pattern 
	Dim vs_date 
	Dim Count
	Dim file
	Dim strNewName
	Dim vs_1
   vs_pattern = "(.*)"
   vs_date=  Now()
   vs_date = Year(vs_date) & "" & Right("0" & Month(vs_date),2)  & "" &  Right("0" & Day(vs_date),2) & "_" & "\1"

	vs_1 = "Rename PATTERN " + Chr(34) + vs_pattern + Chr(34) + " To " + Chr(34) + vs_date + Chr(34) + " REGEXP "  
	DOpus.output vs_1
	ClickData.func.command.RunCommand vs_1
   'For Each file In ClickData.func.sourcetab.selected_files
	'strNewName = RegExReplace(file.name, vs_pattern, vs_date,True,True,True)
	'DOpus.output file.name
	'DOpus.output vs_pattern
	'DOpus.output vs_date
	'DOpus.output strNewName
End Function

Function RegExReplace(strString, strPattern, strReplace, wglobal, wignorecase, vb_multiline)

'On Error Resume Next

    Dim RegEx

    Set RegEx = New RegExp              ' Create regular expression.

    RegEx.IgnoreCase = wignorecase ' Make case insensitive.
    RegEx.MultiLine = vb_multiline

    RegEx.Global = wglobal      'Search the entire String

    RegEx.Pattern = strPattern

    If RegEx.Test(strString) Then       'Test if match is made 'RegEx.Test(strString)

        RegExReplace = RegEx.Replace(strString, strReplace) ' Make replacement.


         'return original string

         RegExReplace = strString

    End If

End Function

I have tried.

 vs_pattern = "(.*)"
   vs_date=  Now()
   vs_date = Year(vs_date) & "" & Right("0" & Month(vs_date),2)  & "" &  Right("0" & Day(vs_date),2) & "_" & "\1"

	vs_1 = "Rename PATTERN " + Chr(34) + vs_pattern + Chr(34) + " To " + Chr(34) + vs_date + Chr(34) + " REGEXP "  
	DOpus.output vs_1

	Set vo_comm = DOpus.create.command  'ClickData.func.command
	vo_comm.Addline "@nodeselect"
	vo_comm.Addline vs_1

You need to set the deselect property on the Command object you get passed:

ClickData.func.command.deselect = False

Hi, I'm sorry to drag up such and old topic, but I am doing this exactly.

I want to set the deselect options to true or false depending on the existence of the @nodeselect modifier.

Is this possible?

Scripts don't usually use/need @nodeselect; they can set the Command object property which Jon mentioned.

At least for scripts that are run directly via buttons.

Are you doing something else, e.g. a script which adds a command, where the command is then placed in a button instead of the script itself?


I have created a custom command "COPYFILESIZE" which I can assign to buttons, menu, toolbars, and run from the '>' prompt

When run from a button, I want the @nodeselect option to take effect, however it doesn't seem to. because the 'clickdata.func.command' objected uses a local 'deselect' property which is true by default.

The two obvious options are to include @modifiers somewhere in the clickData object, or have the default 'clickdata.func.command' set the deselect to true or false depending on the existence of '@nodeselect'.

I don't like the second option due to the number of scripts it will likely break...

Valid point. I agree, having it available on the clickData or Func objects probably makes sense.

For now, I think the best you can do is add a DESELECT or NODESELECT argument to the command to tell it what to do.

Good call. I'll add that.

In the next update we'll add a Command.GetModifiers method that will let you query the modifiers that have been set.

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