just installed Dopus for the first time; migrating from PowerDesk. so far so good.
one minor issue.
a pet peeve of mine is programs that use dialog boxes that are not resizeable. I simply don't understand why programmers put in such an annoying limitation. the whole idea of WINDOWS is that you can make windows as big or small as you like. I hate having to scroll thru a list of options when instead I could have made the window large to see all the options.
why does Opus use a non-resizeable dialog box for the Preferences? Is that something I can change as a user option?
Most dialogs in Opus are resizable. Preferences isn't currently, but we plan to change that in the future, now that it has a few pages which would benefit from it. (In the past there were not that many, but that has changed over the years, so it's on our roadmap.)
Thanx much. Say, would you know why so many programs using the non-resizeable boxes. I thought it had something to do with old 640x480 resolution screens and wanted to make sure everything fit on screen, but I wonder if it is something else. I see it often, even for example in Chrom when you go to save a book mark and ask to see the folders, the box comes up as a fixed size. So annoying.
Because Windows doesn't provide resizing by default, nor any frameworks or APIs for UI layout (let alone resizing), so it's a lot of work to make things resize (and even more to make them resize and not flicker).
Microsoft themselves are by far the worst offenders here.
Thank you. I was wondering if that was the case. That is just crazy that it hasn't been fixed by Win7. I could have understood the problems back in the 90s. Geez - what are they thinking (or not)!