Nudel, what do you use to creat themes?

Hello again,
what program do you use to make thems?
I downloaded stylebuilder and am no sure what I'm looking at.

Thanks in advance,

Settings -> Lister Themes

Stylebuilder has absolutely nothing to do with Opus - it's used to create Windows styles.

To create an Opus theme - simply configure opus the way you like, including your toolbar backgrounds. Then, as Nudel suggests go to Settings/Lister Themes... and export your theme to a file. Post it here in the themes forum.

are you saying that if a "them" is created in stylebuilder, it will not alter the look of dopus?

Thanks again,

Like I just said, Stylebuilder creates windows themes - not Opus themes. Whilst a windows theme will modify things like the titlebar in Opus - an Opus theme is a completely different thing.