Numbering within (in the middle of) a file name

I have several files with the following file name scheme whose numbering I would like to rename:

SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-02-Description-I Description-II
SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-03-Description-I Description-III
SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-04-Description-I Description-IV

The first file starts in the middle with the number "02" and continues with the following files (with "03", "04" etc.).

I would like to rename all files in this way or set their numbering downwards by one value, so that the first file (in the middle) has "01" and so on.

SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-01-Description-I Description-II
SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-02-Description-I Description-III
SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-03-Description-I Description-IV

I have already looked at!Documents/Numbering_Files.htm and tried various things, e.g.:

old name: *0*-Description-I*
new name: *0[#]-Description-I**
(as well as a check mark in the checkbox for "sequential numbering" from "1" by "1")
SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-01-Description-I2 Description-II
SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-02-Description-I3 Description-III

old name: *0*-Description-I*
new name: *0[#]-Description-I*
(as well as a check mark in the checkbox for "sequential numbering" from "1" by "1")
SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-01-Description-I2
SAME-NAME(also with numbers)-AT-ALL-FILES-02-Description-I3

As you can see, the FIRST part is as I wanted it to be, so it starts with a "01" in both examples and then continues.
=> However, the problem is that in both examples the (original) numbers or the (original) numbering are now appended directly AFTER "Description-I" with "2", "3" etc. (which I do NOT want).
Do you have any advice on how I can achieve what I want (i.e. ultimately that the original numbers are no longer appended and the original numbering is minimized by one counter)?

Thx. a lot for help!

Please see Formatting tips specific to the Opus forum for how to fix the * characters in your post.

Like so?


Hi Lxp,
(unfortunately) again 'regular expressions' [my "favorite pastime" ;-)]
But thank you very much. It worked (and is exactly what I needed ... I would never have thought of it, never ... thanks a lot!).