Thanks for your question and care, Leo.
It wouldn't work for me, but I realize how personal that is. Being able to treat the zip files like a folder is a wonderful abstraction for me which I depend upon (use a lot).
I'd rather copy the file and then right-click on it and choose my "Beyond Compare" item which I defined in "Settings | File Types | All files | {Edit}". ([url]How to enhance "Confirm File Replace" Dialog?]) I'd prefer to not have to do those additional two clicks (right-click and then left-click to choose Beyond Compare menu item) and then an {Esc} to close Beyond Compare in cases where all I need is the version # of the EXE/DLL in the zip file.
It seems to me that being able to get these zipped EXE/DLL file details right in the "Confirm File Replace" box is in keeping with the seamlessness of so many other Opus aspects. And I'd certainly benefit from that seamlessness.