I have 3 onedrive accounts and while test driving Opus. My layout is set to dual pane vertical on an ultrawide screen. I initially set it up so that the Preview Viewer and Metadata Viewer are open all the time on the right side of the screen.
The issue comes in that one of the onedrive accounts is basically our content store with each folder having a number of images and a 7z archive. There are over 2500 folders in there like that with each 7z averaging anywhere from 100mb to 15gb. The issue here is whenever selection is on a 7z archive, Opus would start the file-on-demand request and so the download begins.
Is there a way to not have preview start the 7z download since it will just show an icon after the download.
At the moment I have Preview and Meta just closed, it would be nice to be able to keep them open all the time given my screen real estate.
If the preview pane is open, it'll try to view the file, which will often result in the file being opened to see what type of data is inside it.
I guess we could add options to disable it for offline files, but it's designed to only be open when you want it and easy to toggle on and off. (You could have a script which turns it on and off based on the folder you're in, as another option. Or a script which locks the preview pane to a dummy file while in cloud folders, so it doesn't track the file selection.)
We may also be able to improve things a bit by flagging the OneDrive folder as "slow", which will make some of the viewers less likely to open the files if they don't have extensions that they're interested in. But some viewers do like to view almost anything (e.g. the Text plugin's hex mode, although that only comes into play if shell icons are turned off in the preview pane).
Yes I noticed that if I have the preview viewer open (the large archives are mostly .7z, .stl and .3mf) and when on .stl, I see the hex mode in preview.
I would suggest to add extension exclusions functionality that checks whether these are cloud files or local files. If cloud file, don't download, if local file, show and maybe a manual download for preview option. Another way I thought about was Preview File size but then for people who work with videos that may not work out.
In either case, I will keep a lookout if this ever gets implemented. It's looking more and more like I will become a customer of Opus. The more I test drive it daily, the more I find myself starting to change my workflow to fit in with Opus.