There seem to be some glitches in the support for OneDrive for Business (ODB) in DO11:
all files and folders in ODB are shown as if they were shortcuts (this does not happen in Explorer)
there are no icon overlays for synchronization status (but that happens also in Explorer, so the problem could be outside DO)
the options for OneDrive in Preferences are not applied to ODB (alternatively, all options for ODB are missing from the Preferences)
the icon used for ODB is not consistent: e.g., when I add ODB in my Favourites it has the correct icon in the overall folder list but in the Favourites group it is shown as plain folder
ODB is shown under Desktop in the folder tree, but is not listed at all in the corresponding file display
DO sometimes slows down or even hangs for some seconds if ODB shell extensions are enabled; I know a workaround can be to disable does extensions, however Explorer does not have that problem
[ol][li] Probably reflects the real files. Maybe Explorer is hiding the overlays specially. The overlays come from Windows itself when Opus asks for the icon. (Different overlays in different programs can also be because of the tiny icon overlay limit in Windows, where the first triggered in each process can win a slot and prevent others from working.)
[li] If it happens in Explorer as well then the problem is with the shell extension, or a general Windows problem. (Icon overlays are very unreliable, for the reason in the previous point; additionally, each file can only have one overlay so if another is being triggered to indicate a shortcut or junction or similar, it can prevent the sync status overlay even if there is a free slot for the icon itself. This is a Windows design issue, which MS always addressed by telling people to simply not use overlays, but they don't follow their own advice when writing things like OneDrive.)
[li] Probably the latter. OneDrive and OneDrive for Business are separate things and we only have explicit settings for OneDrive. I think both can be active at once on the same system, although that may vary with Windows version.
[li] If you edit the Favorite, is it pointing to a real folder path? If you go to the parent of that folder, does the OneDrive folder there have a special icon? I'm guessing not. This is how OneDrive for Windows 10 works, at least. The virtual folder placed into the folder tree with a nice icon is really just a shortcut pointing to a normal folder that has a normal icon. Once you're in that folder, if you add it to favorites you don't get a special icon, because that folder doesn't have one. You can right-click the folder and use Properties / Customize to give it an icon, which should then show up in most places the folder is used (inc. favorites).
[li] If Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / Native display of the Desktop, including the following... is turned on, only the things with options below it will show up, by design. You can turn it off to get exactly what you see in Explorer, if desired, with some loss of functionality while in the Desktop folder.
[li] If the issue is in the extension reacting to something different about how Opus vs Explorer talk to it then it may be hard for us to fix. Ideally it would be something the extension authors could investigate, but this is Microsoft we're talking about. If we had an easy way to reproduce it then we could investigate and see if there's something we can change on our side, assuming we have access to the right version of OneDrive for Business and a way to reproduce the setup/scenario you're seeing the problem with. Note that since OneDrive talks to the network, firewall/antivirus software may also be involved.
[li]Which version of OneDrive for Business?[/li][/ol]