Hello, here's a suggestion:
In find results, I often use "Open containing folder in new background tab". However if that tab already exists, nothing happens. I could configure it to open a new tab regardless, but it would be cool also if there were an option to flash the containing tab. That's relevant in particular when a) there are many tabs, and/or when the Location column in find results is not visible (in my case : Viewer using that space most of the time).
This is weird, usually it should switch to (reuse) an existing tab.
Check your command for "Open containing folder in new background tab" you use, this variant behaves correctly for me: go opencontainer NEWTAB
I assume we're talking about something like this:
Go OPENCONTAINER NEWTAB=findexisting,nofocus
That would do nothing if the tab already exists. (Which can still be useful, as it lets you select lots of things in a collection and then open background tabs for all of them, without having to worry about which ones already have tabs.)
Yes, I'm talking about "File Type..." menu -> context menu (e.g. for "files and folders", or collection items).
findexisting is the default for OPENCONTAINER
The context menu command I was using thus was indeed:
To account for various situations (and the fact one cannot make an existing tab flash), one could add all or some of the following context menu commands so one can always get the desired outcome in various situations:
Open Containing Folder in New or Reused Tab (Foreground) Select Item(s)
Open Containing Folder in New or Reused Tab (Foreground), Don't Select Item(s)
Open Containing Folder in New Tab (Foreground), Select Item(s)
Go OPENCONTAINER NEWTAB=nofindexisting -
Open Containing Folder in New Tab (Foreground), Dont' Select Item(s)
Go OPENCONTAINER=noselect NEWTAB=nofindexisting
Open Containing Folder in New or Reused Background Tab, Select Item(s)
note: if tab exists, this will do nothing except (a) select the item(s) and (b) "inform" you by the fact that no new tab opens that a tab pertaining to the containing folder already exists somewhere in your tabs list -
Open Containing Folder in New or Reused Background Tab, Don't Select Item(s)
Go OPENCONTAINER=noselect NEWTAB=nofocus
note: if tab exists, this will do basically nothing, i.e. it will do just (b) (see above) -
Open Containing Folder in New Background Tab, Select Item(s)
Go OPENCONTAINER NEWTAB=nofindexisting,nofocus -
Open Containing Folder in New Background Tab, Dont' Select Item(s)
Go OPENCONTAINER=noselect NEWTAB=nofindexisting,nofocus
General note: in the above context menu item descriptions, "New Tab/New Background Tab" refers to a NEW, ADDITIONAL tab being opened under all circumstances unless the command is otherwise specified as "or Reused".