The caption says it all, really.
I just went through Nudel's "What's New in Directory Opus 9" guide and noticed the slick "Thumbnail" mode.
Now, I'm using a Commander-style lister layout because I'm the most productive using it this way, but I have to say that when it comes to photos, I'd really just like to have a nice way to look at them, and the Thumbnails mode seems perfect for the task.
Is there a way I can tell the "My Pictures" folder to be opened in a new, maximized lister, with "Thumbnail" mode set? And to make it a bit more interesting, can I create a shortcut, say like "Ctrl+Alt+Enter", to open this said lister?
A layout should do what you want. Just go to the photo folder you want, set Opus to be exactly as you want (including which tabs you want open if any and which other listers are open if any, etc) and then go to
And create a new layout. Also make sure you untick the option to "Close all existing listers when loading this layout"
To use your new layout create a new button (which could be activated by a hotkey) with a command something like
where "test" is the name of your saved layout.
A screen shot follows, in it the layout called "test" represents the one which should do what you want.
Now, the Layout seems to remember what folder I was in when saving it, is there a way for the shortcut to open the Layout, but instead of opening the stored folder path in the Layout, it opens the folder I've currently selected?
Perhaps this could be done with a similar command as the one you mentioned but with more attributes or switches that grabs the currently selected folder's path and uses that?
Works great so far, just thought of it being a bit more general if possible.
So John suggested the Layout approach to open a fixed folder (your "pictures" folder) with the desired format/view-mode settings in place.
When you now ask how to "open the folder I've currently selected"... what exactly do you mean? This is different than what you first asked for, and the best answer might depend on exactly what you mean and will probably NOT involve layouts...
It now sounds like all you want to do is switch into Thumbnails view-mode? Is this for the folder your currently viewing or for a folder you've selected in the lister, and do you want that folder to open in the current lister, a new lister window, new tab, etc etc?
Well, I think it's just a way of trying to explain what I'd like to be able to do and then try explaining it to you all.
When you mentioned that all I might ask for is a way of just changing to the Thumbnails Mode, you're really close, and it feels like this could be the final/easiest solution. Let's start at that and then I'd like to know; Since I'm using a Commander-like Lister all the time, is there a way of making the Mode switch to "Thumbnails" and close one of the columns in the Lister?
The reason I'm asking is that I'd then be able to look at thumbs and pictures on my whole screen, instead of just half. Of course I could close one of the listers myself, but making this automatic would be so much sweeter.
Hope I made it a bit more clear for you all. Since DOpus is such a versatile tool, it's sometimes hard to pinpoint exactly what you'd like to have done because you don't know the entire depth of the application. I guess that's a ground for some misunderstanding.
Still, I apprecieate your input alot since they give me more insight and hopefully a way of making this work out.
If you do as Nudel suggests, and switch to the default 'Images' style while in a dual-file display pane commander-style lister, this turns OFF the second file display (the one not currently in focus)... which is what I think you were trying to say when you described wanting to see 'thumbs and pictures on your whole screen, instead of just half' by closing 'one of the columns in the Lister'... (FYI- not a 'column' but a file display pane - yes we all love terminology snafus )
However, the default 'Images' Style also loads the Opus Viewr Pane... which if you don't want, simply click RMB on the Images style tabbar button and select 'Edit Styles'. In the Preferences window that appears, just select the 'Images' style from the list of styles shown, and deselect the Viewer Pane checkbox, then hit OK to close Preferences and you should be set...