If I set Filetypes > All Folders > Events, left double click + Alt with go newtab=findinactive, will this also apply when using Enter instead of double click?
I want to open the selected folders in new tabs within the current lister, whenever I press Alt + Enter (in details mode), however, only the first folder opens in a new tab, while the others open in new listers.
I also tried by changing that event to go newtab=findinactive fromsel.
Alt + Enter will trigger the Alt + Double-Click event, but only if no hotkey is assigned to that combination.
By default, Alt + Enter opens the Properties dialog for the selected items. So you probably need to disable or re-assign that hotkey via Customize to get what you want.
It should work in that case. At least with the main Return key. (I don't have a numpad on this keyboard to try the numpad Enter key right now.)
If I change the All Folders Left double-click + Alt event to run help about, Alt + Return on a folder opens the About dialog, so it's definitely using the events, not a hardcoded action or anything like that.
In that case, the "About" dialog opens once and then a new lister opens for each selected folder (except the first), so I'm not sure what's going on.
Just in case I disabled all the scripts that use tab/lister events, but to no avail.
I don't know how that could cause a new window to open, in that case, unless something external to Opus is doing something (e.g. tools to modify behavior of file-open dialogs that also affect Opus).
By the way, this looks like a visual glitch in the hotkey search control. Is that reproducable for you? Do you know if it depends on the font or similar details?
The only program I could think of is Listary 5, but even after closing it completely, the issue persists.
A mistery indeed.
I also just noticed this. Not sure what's causing it.
I tried by changing the font/font size (factory reset the page) and DPI (to 100%), but it still looks the same.