Opening a new lister tab - selection focus


I am having an intermittent issue which I was hoping someone might be able to help shed some light on.

I have opus set up to default to dual listers and I often launch a new tab within windows by running 'c:\TEMP', which brings me into opus inside a new tab showing my TEMP folder.

However, sometimes I am noticing that when the lister opens up, as I scroll up and down through the directory, the files may not have full focus, meaning they are selected in a "lowlight" color. So, when this occurs, I can do perform certain commands on the file, but something like (for inline rename), for example, will not work, because the file is not focused properly.

Other times, the lister will open up just the same way, but the files will receive the proper focus.

I am unsure of the exact terminology to use when describing the different types of focus, so hopefully this makes sense!


The best I could do was program a hotkey to run when this happens...

Set FOCUS=Source

seems like some kind of bug though that this would be needed

Unless something weird is happening, it just means some other part of the window has the keyboard focus, presumably because it was the last thing in the window that was clicked on.

Scrolling the list using the mouse-wheel is not enough to give something keyboard focus. (Not normally, anyway.) You have to do something which gives the file display focus if it doesn't already have it; e.g. click on it or push Tab until it's active.