Opening image with default Windows Image viewer doesn't open slideshow

Hi, i got a few problems, i tried to look up if there are any settings, but I couldn't find any

  1. When I open a image (Png, Jpeg, rw2, ...) it opens up with the default Windows image viewer, but I can't go to the next image by pressing right arrow key. If I open the same image from the windows explorer, I can go to the next image.

  2. When I have multiple Listers open and select one as main window, the text from the left side bar of the not in focus lister turns black. Can it remain white? (See image 1)

  3. I am probably just too stupid to figure this out: If I am in a folder and i click on Thumbnail Mode or Details mode, I want it to save it automatically for this folder and all subfolders, until I change it for this folder or one subfolder, vice versa for the Sort By and Group By function. Just as it is in the original Windows Explorer

Thanks in advance

  1. Many threads on this already. It's a deficiency in the Windows Photos app. You'll see the same thing when almost anything other than File Explorer launches a file with it. It gets the list of files from File Explorer and cannot generate them itself if anything else launches it. One of many reasons not to use that app.

  2. That's not normal. Either you've configured the colors in Opus in an unusual way, or something else on the system is interfering.

  3. You can set that up via Folder Formats.

  4. Please Ask one question per thread

Thank you very much for the quick reply.

  1. I will look into another photo app.

  2. Yes, I downloaded a Mac icon pack and there was one color wrong.

  3. If I set the format as I want it and then go into Folder -> Folder Options -> and then hit Save... for the current Folder.
    Is there a faster way for that? A Button to implement this quick save into?