Currently Opus will ask you what to do when you drop a file onto a directory when a duplicate filename already exists in that directory.
I would like to set the option to say [Rename New].
If possible would like this option set differently for drops from say a web browser [Rename New] or from Opus [Ask what to do].
I know that I can hold down [CTRL] or [SHIFT+CTRL] for this with disk to disk, but it doesn't work with collecting images from a web browser and that is my main use case here.
(I also think this is possible with some sort of 'drop target' in Opus? If so, sorry I can't work it out.)
Thanks for the info. I found the right location and I tried to read the parts of the manual that were relevant. I want to learn more about doing all of the fancy stuff in Opus. So I don't want the answer given to me... but I do need another hint...
Am I doing this right? Because nothing seems to have changed:
The copy ... WHENEXISTS only seems to work for a disk to disk transfer (a drag and drop).
What I was trying to do is control the rename when something is external is dropped on Opus (a drop). So from a picture in a web browser to a folder in Opus.