Opus 10 Copy - Filetype Icons

Where have the filetype icons gone within the copying popup window? I see no option to turn them on...

In the progress dialog? I guess they were ditched when it was redesigned.

(I've been using that new progress dialog for months now during testing and I hadn't noticed it myself until now. Weird.)

Meaning, "we should file another request for something that was there before and is now gone"?

Of course, it doesn't mean much to functionality itself, but dopus looks really spartan without it, like back from those Opus 4.12 days.

Really - what to do to get this back?

Things change.

Opus 10 has only been out a few days.

If something still seems wrong or strange or bad after a while then by all means file a report asking for it to be changed back, but give it a chance.

No problem, but how do we know whether it was deliberately ditched or by accident? Remember the case with "Automatically sort new files", where we should need to reapply for the feature?