Opus 12.6 - File list not updating for local/network/ftp folders

It's still just a bit early to call it but I am getting pretty confident that the issue has been fixed with this release. I haven't been able to see it happening (I've looked many times) today :crossed_fingers:



I am now convinced that 12.6.2 (build 6498) has solved our problem. :joy: I am also very happy to report that the issue we were also having regarding talking to Excel via DDE has also been resolved (that also started with the upgrade to DO 12).

Actually, DDE communication with Excel seems to be faster than it was before the upgrade to DO 12. I'd really love to know if you have even the slightest clue how Opus could be affecting DDE communication between to other programs. Experience suggests it has something to do with the event processing system, I guess but that's about all I can say about it.

To be completely honest, I do still see ~1 second delay occasionally when doing things like creating a new folder (even when doing so within Opus - via a custom button) but the problem is night and day different from how it has been and is very close to normal.

I look forward to this issue being fixed in a regular non-beta release.

Out of curiosity: is the new event handling code something you're thinking will replace the existing code in the stable releases or is it something that might be linked to a configuration option?



That's great news! Thank you for your time and patience testing the various versions and theories.

It looks like the number of change events on the machine was simply overwhelming things, which is perhaps not surprising on a terminal server type machine used by lots of people and associated processes at once.

The DDE slowdowns you saw were probably just due to one of the Opus windows being busy while it was trying to keep up with the change events. DDE works by broadcasting window messages and can become slow, or have other problems, if a window is slow to respond or frozen, even if the window ultimately has no connection to either side of the DDE conversation. DDE dates back to the Windows 3.11 days and co-operative multitasking, when a lot of things in the OS were like that.

What you've been testing should be the same as what goes into Opus 12.7, unless any problems turn up. We're not sure if we'll leave the two new configuration options in, since they don't seem to be needed/useful in this case, but we may leave them in case they help in the future (or we may remove them to simplify things, not sure yet). The change that fixed things for you will in the next stable update, as well as any betas between now and then.

Sticking with the beta/test version you have for now should be a safe bet, as I don't think there have been any issues found with it.

Thanks again!

Thanks, I've marked Jon's post in which he told me about build 12.6.2 6498 as the solution.

Thanks for the feedback regarding DDE. Eventually we were quite sure that the DDE issue was linked but I didn't expect that Opus (or any other program) could have an impact on it so I resisted the idea when it was first reported. At that time all I had to link it was when it was first noticed. It was a pretty decent bit of evidence but not quite conclusive. Eventually it became very clear that when we were having the issue with Opus we were also having the issue with DDE and closing Opus sorted out an active instance of the DDE issue.

I look forward to 12.7 but will keep running 12.6.2 since I don't really have much of a choice and I'm not hearing of any problems with it.

Thank you very much for helping with this issue. I'll take this opportunity to repeat something I've said to you (and others) before. Directory Opus is an awesome product. It's probably my favorite Windows application ever. That's remarkable for a File Manager.

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