For some reason, as of this morning, whenever I open Opus 9 to "Check For Updates", program fails and closes itself. Anyone else have this problem and know a workaround? Thanks
Are you running a software firewall like ZoneAlarm that might be killing the program without telling you because it tried to access the Internet?
I am running a firewall (Comodo Pro) but I've been running it for over 2 years now and have never had this problem when trying to update Opus 9.
It's doing the same thing for me now as well. I've alerted GPSoftware.
Me too, but there is a work-around.
Actually I spent most of this evening -- UK time -- trying to figure out why DOpus kept closing all its windows randomly but retaining the ability to open listers by double-clicking the desktop. A search on this forum yielded nothing but this thread which I dismissed at first because my problem didn't seem to be related to updates.
So I tried a manual update from the Help page but that resulted in the same 'crash', then I decided to try a re-install so I went to the GP Software website to try to download the installer, only to be confronted with this error:
[quote]Unfortunately a database error has been encountered and your request could not be processed.
We apologise for the inconvenience. Please click back to retry, or try again later. If this error persists please contact info at GP Software.[/quote]
At first this just frustrated me (the one time I need the installer and the website's down) but I later realised all of these behaviours are symptoms of the same problem, namely that the relevant files aren't available by HTTP from the GP Software website. My initial 'random' crashes were being caused by DOpus trying to update itself silently and failing because of whatever database error GP are suffering.
Hopefully this will be resolved soon, but for anyone else tearing their hair out because of 'random lister crashes' (which are the keywords I searched for and so will hopefully bring any other sufferers to this post) the solution is to temporarily disable automatic updates, or at least make them non-silent so you can cancel the dialog until the problem is resolved.
The server problem has been resolved now.
The problem that meant Opus crashed in this situation has also been found and a fix has been written for inclusion in the next update.