Opus in Windows 7

Opus doesn't replace the File - Open or File - Save dialogs, even in Explorer Replacement mode.

Sorry, my mistake. I see how I got confused. On my Windows Server 2008 I customized the Vista style dialogs to look like XP style dialogs.

[quote]I had the same problem.
Disabling "Add layout and other items to Desktop context menu" (Settings - Preferences - Miscellaneous - Windows Integration) will resolve this.[/quote]
Thank you Pulsus! It works now.

Running RC1, I have lost the ability to bring up a lister by double clicking on the desktop. It worked at first so I must have done something wrong but I can't figure it out. I have DirOpus set to open a saved lister when double clicking desktop. I've tried reinstalling DO ontop of itself but it didn't work.

DirOpus x64

Open Task Manager and check that dopusrt.exe is running. If Desktop Double-click is enabled in Opus's Preferences then it should be.

If it isn't then it's possible something is blocking it from running at startup. Windows Defender is the first place I'd check in case it has dopusrt.exe disabled for some reason.

No, dopusrt.exe was running. Reinstalling didn't fix it as I mentioned earlier but uninstalling/reinstalling did. I'm good again.

I've been using DirOpus for years and never uninstalled it. What's up with that duck?

Well, I spoke too soon, the problem came back after a reboot. I can't figure it out. If I stop all 3 processes and then use the desktop shortcut icon, it will work fine until the next reboot.

The processes I have on first boot:
dopusrt.ext (with /dblclk as an argument)

Open Task Manager and check that dopusrt.exe is running. If Desktop Double-click is enabled in Opus's Preferences then it should be.

If it isn't then it's possible something is blocking it from running at startup. Windows Defender is the first place I'd check in case it has dopusrt.exe disabled for some reason.[/quote]

I have a related question. Double-clicking on the desktop does start DOpus, with one hitch: it does not come to the foreground. If I have other windows open, it opens behind them. I'm running W7 RC 7100. I realize the problem could be "I am running beta software," but if there is a setting or fix that I am not thinking of, I'd appreciate help.

I've installed DOpus as the explorer replacement on two copies of Windows 7 - both from the same Win7 installation disk and both on the same hardware. In one case, having DOpus be the explorer replacement was no problem; in the other case, DOpus replacement kept me from seeing the control panel (and other system-related things).
Does this mean there's another hidden variable involved? Also, is there a way to turn explorer replacement on for regular files but keep it off for things like the control panel?

Which version of Opus? If you're on Windows 7 you need to install the beta version of Opus at the moment. The 7-compatible version will be released as a non-beta soon and the beta version is available in the Illuminati part of the forum.

If you had previously installed an earlier version of Opus on Windows 7 and enabled Explorer Replacement on it then you might need to follow the FAQ on manually removing the Explorer Replacement settings. (But installing the Windows 7 compatible version of Opus should fix the problem without having to resort to that.)

I'm locking this thread now as it's very long and much of the info in it is out of date.