I see from your video Jon, that it works fine at HQ. I was afraid it might be something to do with my system as surely somebody else would have spotted the problem.
This is still very much a real problem here. I have been trying with scores of pictures. The strange thing is the occasional picture works as advertised, but the vast majority do not.
The only way I can interchange tags between Opus and Photoshop is to enter those tags in the keyword field of Photoshop first. Once I have done that the system works perfectly, I can add or subtract tags in Opus and Photoshop and have the changes reflected in both.
This is a typical image in question. It was taken on a digital camera and processed in Lightroom and Photoshop.
Please call of the hunt on this one - at least for the time being. I believe I have some corruption in my registry with Photoshop. When I examine files which won't take keywords, the system says they open with an unknown application. When I try to change the program to Photoshop I get an error message telling me the image cannot be associated with Photoshop.
I am going to re-install windows and start again. Re-installing Photoshop does not work
I have now completed the a clean install of Windows 10 and a re-install of Photoshop. The file associationss problem has thankfully been fixed. However the situation regarding keywording is exactly the same.
I attach a Word Document that contains the EXIF data from the two files in the message above. As I said before, one works fine the other does not.
The EXIF of the one that does not would seem to indicate that for some reason there are no keywords in the EXIF data, even though the keywords (tags) show up plainly in Opus and Windows explorer. What is also interesting is that in both files the keywords appear in the EXIF subject field.
Obviously I have many,many photoshop actions that affect the pixels in the images that I process.
In addition I make extemsive use of ON-1 Resize to change the size of images. I have processed images with or without ON-1 resize to see if that made any difference. I get the same results either way. To be honest it is simply a program that uses fractals to upsize images. Anyway, after I re-built my system I was running tests without these extensions.
I also make extensive use of Raya Pro to create luminosity masks. But again I did get the same results when that extension was not installed.
I am not a programer like you guys, but to my mind it seems as though something is preventing the metadata being written to the Photoshop metadata. I think the the Exif data I attached in my previous post seems to point to that.
I do not know, could it be anything to do with character sets?
I have also realised that the zip file I sent in my last post was the wrong file. This is the correct file, which may help to discover what is going on.
Can you zip and upload an image that exhibits the problem? (don't just upload the image itself as I'm not sure whether it would be modified by the forum software or not).
I have just downloaded the latest beta - 12.3.7 having read that you have done some work on the threads controlling metadata.
I was hoping that this work may have tackled the problem that outlined in this post. Unfortunately it has not. But is does seem to have made a difference in that the problem now occurs in one very specific instance.
My latest experiments show that I can set tags (keywords in IPTC speak) in Opus and have those keywords reflected in Photoshop. I can change those keywords in Photoshop and have the changes picked up in the Opus metadata panel. I seem to be be to do this ad infinitum.
However, if save the picture in Photoshop - with or without changing the keywords - although the keywords may still show in Opus, when I re-open the file in Photoshop the tags (keywords) have disappeared.
It seems that the very action of saving the file in Photoshop creates the problem.
Since I first reported this problem, I have re-formatted my system disk, re-installed windows 10 64 bit with all the latest updates and re-installed Photoshop.
I did this because I was also having problems associating Photoshop with JPG files due to some hashing algorithm or other that Microsoft have introduced to stop their Photoviewer constantly re-establishing itself as the default application for JPG files, and I wondered if this somehow could be causing the problem (though heavens knows why.
The operating system re-install with its new registry has cured that problem, but done nothing to help this infuriating problem with Opus and keywords.
The only solution I have so far found is to copy the keywords out of the opus file; open the file in Photoshop and paste them into the Photoshop metadata Info Panel. It is not the ideal solution.
I do not get this problem if I set the keywords in Explorer. But who wants to use Explorer when you can use Opus?
Also you get sick of clients ringing to ask why you are sending them files with no keywords. For photographers submitting pictures to image libraries, keywords are absolutely essential.
The initial indications are that this is a fix. The images I have used for testing this problem work as they should. Keyword tags are perfectly interchangeable between Opus and Photoshop 2017.
I will now return to my normal Opus/Photoshop workflow, and i will let you know if I experience problems.
Meanwhile many thanks for your efforts and your timely fix. I know many software companies where I would have waited months or even years for a fix.