Opus Not Responding when accessing any drive

After a fresh restart I start opus and it auto loads "This PC" on the left and right as usual. The moment I try to access my C or D drive it "freezes". I can't access any buttons or menus. Windows file explorer is not having any problems accessing those drives. (This problem also happens with network attached drives)

Do I need to reinstall it? Or is there something less painful I can do to fix this? It just started today and I have done two restarts.

update it Is not frozen anymore. I am not sure exactly how long it was frozen. I had to step away and when I came back it was unfrozen. I don't have the time to restart my computer to test if it will freeze again. I guess I will update here.

update: Tried to do a delete of two folders with 1 image in each and it has been stuck for 5 minutes. Not sure if it is related.
delete test
the dialog "responds" to pause and resume or at least it says it is. for example it says PAUSED and then when I hit resume it no longer says PAUSED. the Abort button does nothing.

5 minutes is quite long, is this an external / USB drive? Windows is not reporting any problems in the event viewer? Controller or disk errors of some kind?

When I get the "delay" things, it's not for 5 minutes in general, despite today where the preferences search index was built, this took quite long for some reason. Here it's 20-30 seconds per location / path which went offline. No unusual delays for regular, available drives / UNC paths doing their job as intended.

Well it was at least 5 minutes could have 20. File explorer had no trouble accessing the two internal drives at the same time that opus was frozen.

If the same operation works in File Explorer, my guess is that your antivirus is blocking things here when Opus tries to do them.

Send us some process snapshots and we can confirm that, or hopefully see what's causing the problem if my guess is wrong:

Do you mean in task manager? Which processes do you want me to get in the screenshot? or is "snapshot" an option somewhere?

At the moment things seem to be working, although I am having trouble with Everything not responding Now :face_vomiting:

All the details on how to make and send the process snapshots are in the page I linked to.

Sorry some how I missed that link.