Opus opens pdf in notepad

Hello there!

I have just received my 60 days evaluation copy of DOpus 10 but there is a problem. When I try to open a PDF File, it opens itself in Notepad which is not really a good program for pdfs :smiley: I really like Dopus and would like to buy it once Im familiar with it, but this problem really annoys me. Even if I select Open with... and than select default program for opening pdf files (I use Pdf Converter pro 7), it only applies to the file I tried to open. Every other pdf I must do the same thing (Open with...). Any help?

Thank you!

As a workaround, go to Settings -> File Types, expand the System File Types part and double-click the PDF type.

Go to the Events tab and double-click Left double-click

Set to run something like this (I've used Adobe Reader since that's what I have; obviously you'd want to choose the PDF Converter Pro exe, whatever that is):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" {filepath}

(That should all be on one line.)

Note that if you don't actually have a registered PDF filetype, this behaviour is possible if the Preferences / File Operations / Double-click on Files / Open unregistered file types in text viewer if they appear to be plain text option is enabled.

Thanks both! What jon suggested helped.

You have my sympathy. (Ever been bitten by the activation issue?)

You may find that desktop PDF thumbnails don't work unless you have Adobe Reader, or Acrobat, set as the default file handler for PDF files.

That is certainly what I see in 64-bit Windows 7. PDF Converter can't generate thumbnails.

If you do have to jump through this hoop, then you might like to tweak Dopus.

"Settings>>File Types>>System File Types>>PDF>>Edit>>Events"

Then you can set something like Middle double-click, if your mouse can handle it, to open PDF files in Pdf Converter Pro.

I have this running the command:

@async:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\PDF Professional 7\bin\PDFPlus.exe" {allfilepath}

There may be better ways of achieving this, but it works for me.

By the way, have you caught up with PDF Converter Pro 7.2? It is one of those updates that sneaked out while no one was looking.