Opus switches to new icon set only after every second program start

Hi forum,

when I start Dopus 12beta in the morning, it comes up with the old (small) icon set (on my 180dpi 4K screen). Only after restarting Dopus, it shows the new (large, flat) icons.


They're changing style as well as size?

Could you post screenshots of Preferences / Toolbars / Icons before and after the change?

OK, will try to do that tomorrow.

Here's what Dopus looks after the first program start:

And this is the looks after the second and every subsequent Dopus program start:

Preferences / Toolbars / Icons ?

i.e. Click Settings > Preferences in the main menu bar, then choose Toolbars / Icons on the left.

Please also check Help > About in each case and report which version it says is running.

Indeed, the Opus that starts up first is Opus 11!

If re-started, it reports as Opus 12...

I feel like there is some cleaning required. Is there a Dopus eradicator tool available?

The uninstaller.

It's usually not possible to install two versions at once, unless you are using a portable/USB copy on the same machine as a HDD install (which I would advise against, as it gets confusing).

So I export the settings, uninstall and then re-install, and all leftovers of the v.11 installation will be gone?

Ouch. I didn't even install Dopus properly. I upgraded Windows from v.7 to v.10 and then simply started dopus.exe again from my second hard drive where I install all applications :confused:

Then imported my Dopus settings back, and everything seemed to work.

So how can I manually eradicate everything Dopus from my C-drive in order to do a clean install of the v.12 Beta?

Make sure you're running Opus 12.
Backup your settings.
Uninstall the installed copy.
Delete the other copy.
Install normally.
Restore settings.

Can't uninstall because on the blank Win10 system Dopus has not been installed but only started like a portable installation...

So there is no uninstall entry in the Windows "Programs" Control Panel.

If you've never installed it then you don't need an "eradicator tool", you can just delete the program files.

So wouldn't there be some DLL's and stuff in System32 and in the registry that would have to be deleted to be on the safe side?

Nothing goes into system32, and anything in the registry will be re-written when you use the installer (although if the installer has never been run, there may not be anything that needs cleaning up in the registry anyway).

We wrote the program so we have something of an idea what we're talking about when we suggest things.

OK will try.

I simply installed v.11 again and then uninstalled it. Sure enough, there was no trace left of Dopus neither on any hard drive nor in the Registry. Good job.