Opus unstable after previewing a mht file


When trying to preview a mht file, there will be some message stating "Exeption caught by ActiveX plugin. Directory Opus may become unstable and should be restarted".


Seems to work ok here.

What .mht file were you using? Either post the file here or let us know the url you created it from.

[quote="steve"]Seems to work ok here.

What .mht file were you using? Either post the file here or let us know the url you created it from.[/quote]

well, seems to happen with any mht file here. thanks!
Special_ Off-Topic_mht.zip (13.9 KB)

Not much help - but no problem here with your upload file. Previewed fine with no warnings.

Likewise, the attached file opened fine and Opus remained stable (although I did get a warning about it being a suspicious file - not sure why).

The "exception caught" message means that the web browser ActiveX control (Internet Explorer, basically) crashed. It could be a bug in IE or a bug in an extension/toolbar/browser-helper installed with IE, including stuff like Flash if that is used in the page in question).

If you are using IE7, open the same .MHT file in IE itself and then select Tools -> Manage Add-Ons -> Enable or Disable Add-Ons. Set the drop-down to Add-ons currently loaded in Internet Explorer and see if anything unusual is there. Try disabling things to see if it makes any difference to the crash in Opus. (You probably have to click OK, and maybe close the browser window, to save th change; I'm not sure though.)

Afterwards you can enable everything again so it's all back the way it was.

(I might be able to fix it on your system by making IE run out-of-process again, but that leads to other problems and it seems like the problem doesn't occur on other systems, so it's better if we can track down the cause.)

PS: I assume this is with Opus but if not try updating to that as there were some changes in the ActiveX plugin about how it handles script errors in IE.


well, actually this is no problem here at all, since i read some posting about those web archives & just checked out the plugin, just fur fun. I decided to report it at least, to help improving the program. I think, it´s because i have only a very old IE6.0, which i almost never have to use, so i even couldn´t check out your recommendations, since this version does not have that settings.

I can´t open the file in IE6, it will be redirected to Opera, even when pasting in the local URL. So most likely this isn´t Opus´ fault at all. By the way, i already have the new version installed (of course!) :slight_smile:
About the warning, well, this is from one forum of a very well known german IT site, www.heise.de (the famous heise Off Topic Forum), so this surely has to be a false alarm :wink: HTML opens ok here.

Fair enough.

I just got home and tried the MHT file and my copy of IE7 won't load it at all. I get errors saying "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage."

So it looks like there is something strange in the MHT file which confuses/crashes IE on some machines. There probably isn't anything that Opus or the ActiveX plugin can change to make it work better in that case.

Thanks for reporting it, though. It's always worth me/us looking at things like this to work out where the problem is and whether the plugin can be changed to fix/work-around the problem.