Opus USB makes XP crash

Today I found second computer where my exported Opus makes system crash (reebot without even info!). First time I suspect strange configuration (that's normal, s*** happens sometimes) but second time, on second computer the same? Of course other computers I use with the same USB stick works good and Opus works without problems.

I have no detailed system info because that was not my computer. For sure that was XP SP2 32 bit.

It's a bug in XP SP2. Upgrade the OS to XP SP3.

There's also a hotfix you can install if you don't want to install SP3 for some reason, but note that only SP3 is the only version of XP that Microsoft still support (ignoring XP x64).

That's what I suspect, but it's a little difficult to force people to install patches and service packs if there is not my computer and I want to use my Opus just for few minutes (ftp, files etc.). Is any method to made fix in Opus for prevent that crash?

They've had over three years to install SP3 and Microsoft themselves don't support anything less anymore, so it's difficult for us to.

I'm talking about preventing that crash in opus itself! There are many programs that works without crash so if reason is known why don't make a little protection for that? Who knows, if Opus is portable on USB, what computer I'll be using tomorow. I can't change World and everyone, i prefer to adapt.

I think the problem was traced to SOME kind of manifest information used in Opus v10 that isn't supported by XPsp2... the manifests describe aspects of the apps functionality or some such, so... seeing as how "changing it" would presumably deprive Opus 10 of the functionality related to the manifest item that is triggering the issue on that old version of XP - maybe it makes more sense for you to just hang onto a v9 USB export for pre-sp3 XP systems...

As to the crashing... since the exported version of Opus uses a little loader stub before loading the full dopus.exe... maybe they can add an sp level check in the loader to then message the user and abort loading v10. Seems like a pretty reasonable request to prevent crashing a system... but I don't think you should expect GPsoft to retrofit their enhancements in v10 to actually work on an unsupported OS level...

Changing all new software so that it works with XP SP2 falls into the category of wanting the world to change to suit you. If your customers won't upgrade a 10-year old operating system, then the best way in which you can adapt is by going back to a version of the software you use on their PCs that does not cause problems.

So, just have a copy of DOpus 9 handy for whenever you come across one of those 20th century computers.

PS Why not have a USB stick with XP SP3 on itas well as DOpus 9? Then you can look like a real hero and offer to upgrade any "retards" you encounter.

Seriously, I don't know that Opus 10 crash before I install Opus 10 on USB. For installing Opus 10 on USB i must upgrade main Opus, isn't? So "keep Opus 9 on usb stick" is advice like "slow down before that curve" after you hit a tree.

Anyway, I don't know too much about why people do not upgrade their operating systems (maybe they afraid or, what has more sense, are just lamers who using computers and don't care about upgrades).

Will be very nice if Opus will check that update required to prevent crash or, at least, please give me number of that update so I put update on my USB stick (single file) and then don't need to be afraid anymore. Installing full SP3 for people who don't want to, isn't a good solution and may ends with complains about every error that they receive after my upgrade (like "oh, i spill coffee but keyboard stop working because you install SP3 on my computer, not because coffee").

Anyway - make Opus best as possible and prevent any known bug is good solution.

Well... suggesting you use Opus 9 for such systems was obviously for "future" since I don't think we should expect GPsoft to retrofit v10 to be able to run on pre-sp3 WinXP. You should consider pre-sp3 WinXP as being unsupported... period.

Now that you "do" know... you can obviously check an XP systems sp level before you try to load Opus v10 on it, but then still load v9 in order to get Opus usefulness on such computers. It's up to you and everyone else if you ALSO want to update whatever computer you're working on - which should probably be done in any case, but that'll depend on the user who's computer you're working on - some users might inexplicably complain (fools that they are):

The issue of updating OTHER peoples computers is irrelevant though, in my mind... if GPsoft can easily (don't know how easy or hard it is) add a check for the sp level on an XP system in a piece that can run BEFORE the piece that causes the crash (I'm assuming it can be done in the loader stub) then I think it's a reasonable request that this be done... particularly for unwary Opus users with USB licenses who might not even know this issue exists (who knows how many there are) and could be put in an awkward position if something they do in an effort to help someone else causes them to crash that persons computer... ouch, especially if it's an AVOIDABLE situation.

My two cents... anyone who cares should submit an official support request asking if such a check would be possible.

We'll make the USB stub/launcher check for XP SP3, as Steje suggests.

Thanks for that... much appreciated!

So, can I get that number of update/hotfix?

See here: