[opus9] floating toolbars killing keyboard cmds

Running opus 9 on win7 64bit

I've done something that is causing several toolbars to appear as floating toolbars on my desktop. I've gone thru shutting off things that sounded like they might be responsible... but I'm missing how to stop it from happening.

Once the bars are up, all of my applications that use keyboard commands quite responding to them and it seems those menus suck them all up.

They can be turned off individually, and that stops the problem, but next time I start opus here they come again.

I can't even find it in the help file now but somewhere in there I saw something that appeared to turn OFF floating toolbars, and turned it off.

I hope someone here will know right off what I've done and be able to point toward fixing it.
See attached image:

Go to Settings -> Customize, select the toolbar in question, then turn off the Floating Toolbar checkbox on the right.

Do the same for the other two, then clicK OK, and the toolbars will all be back in the lister.

Re: [opus9] floating toolbars killing keyboard cmds

Post by leo » Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:22 am
Go to Settings -> Customize, select the toolbar in question, then turn off the Floating Toolbar checkbox on the right.

Do the same for the other two, then clicK OK, and the toolbars will all be back in the lister.[/quote]

That doesn't work completely here. Here is what I mean:

If I kill all listers and then use the one in the system tray to make the settings you describe. 'OK' my way out. And the then kill the lister running in system tray.
At that point if I double click the desktop as I've set lister to do, when it opens those darn menus pup up again.
They never used to do that... there must still be something somewhere that has been changed inadvertently.

You may need to use File -> Save Floating Toolbars from the menu at the top of the Customize window, depending on how Opus is configured and how you are exiting it.

It sounds like you've turned off the Preferences / Toolbars / Options / Save state of floating Toolbars automatically on exit option.
You should either turn it back on again, or use the command in the File menu in the Customize dialog to save the state once you have de-floated them.

[quote="jon"]It sounds like you've turned off the Preferences / Toolbars / Options / Save state of floating Toolbars automatically on exit option.
You should either turn it back on again, or use the command in the File menu in the Customize dialog to save the state once you have de-floated them.[/quote]

Oh thank you, thank you both. I was getting really annoyed by those floaters... they might be useful... except why do they completely take over any other keyboard commands? Those menus seem to hold focus, not allowing any kb commands to reach other applications. Even if I click another app and execute a kb shortcut.. it no longer works on the intended app. And the menus appear to draw the focus.

If the buttons in floating toolbars have hotkeys defined those hotkeys are made global to the system.