OrderedMap() not working as per documentation

OrderedMap() - The order of the items is still alphabetical and not the order as entered.
Below code displays as

	initData.config_desc 	= DOpus.Create.OrderedMap;
	initData.config_groups 	= DOpus.Create.Map;

	// 1 ◉ Path to Folder of images
	initData.config['Path to images'] = 'C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\ThemeB';
	initData.config_desc.set(['Path to images'], 'Default path to a folder of background images\nUsed on first use if no path has been passed or if the path is reset');
	initData.config_groups(['Path to images']) = '1 ◉ Path to Folder of images';

	initData.config['Path recursive mode'] = false;
	initData.config_desc.set(['Path recursive mode'], 'Scans sub-folders of current path');
	initData.config_groups(['Path recursive mode']) = '1 ◉ Path to Folder of images';

	initData.config['Path that events use'] = DOpus.Create.Vector(0, 'Last used path', 'Defaualt path');;
	initData.config_desc.set(['Path that events use'], 'Which path to uise for event triggers');
	initData.config_groups(['Path that events use']) = '1 ◉ Path to Folder of images';

The order of config items is determined by config, and by default config contains a Map.

You need to re-assign an OrderedMap to it if you want to control the ordering.

Great and awesome, that works, many thanks.