Out of Memory

Lately I have been getting an out of memory message from Windows (7, 64 bit), and it always says to close Directory Opus. This problem just started recently, and causes other programs to no longer work, and others are shut down.

I've attached a screenshot of this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It's most probably caused by a rogue shell extension or video codec. Have you installed or updated any software recently that you can think of?

The steps in the FAQ on this may help you track it down.

Thanks for your reply. I haven't installed anything lately, other than SQL Server 2012....

Well, I guess that's it for support? After over 10 years of using Directory Opus, it appears I'll now have to stop using it. The problem always seems to occur when I'm done for the day, and when I return the next day, the message about the program taking up all my memory (I have 12 gigs) is there, and other programs are shut down by Windows.

I expected better support....

The FAQ Jon linked to, above, has steps on how to track down what's causing the problem.

It isn't necessarily caused by something you have (knowingly) installed/updated recently. It could be something old that is going wrong with a new file or some other trigger. Or it could be something which has updated itself without you knowing/remembering.

You will have to follow the steps in the FAQ to get to the bottom of what is going wrong. We can't do that for you without access to your computer.

For what it's worth, the dialogs in your screenshot don't actually come from Opus, and the ones other than the one titled "Microsoft Windows" don't even look like they come from Windows either. What are the two messages shown on the dialogs that are obscured in your screenshot?

This was in the Windows system logs:

Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: dopus.exe (5272) consumed 28698783744 bytes.

I will try to find the time to follow the steps you mentioned, however in the meantime, I'm going to have to stop using Opus....

Thanks for your help

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Just close DOpus at the end of the day, and you won't run into the issue. If you are one to forget to do this, setup a Windows Scheduler task to quit DOpus at some reasonable time.

Starting it up again in the AM is pretty easy.

[quote="leo"]The FAQ Jon linked to, above, has steps on how to track down what's causing the problem.

It isn't necessarily caused by something you have (knowingly) installed/updated recently. It could be something old that is going wrong with a new file or some other trigger. Or it could be something which has updated itself without you knowing/remembering.

You will have to follow the steps in the FAQ to get to the bottom of what is going wrong. We can't do that for you without access to your computer.

For what it's worth, the dialogs in your screenshot don't actually come from Opus, and the ones other than the one titled "Microsoft Windows" don't even look like they come from Windows either. What are the two messages shown on the dialogs that are obscured in your screenshot?[/quote]

I have gone over the FAQ, and it says I need to use dopus to trigger the problem. However, this problem only happens after I'm done for the day, never while I'm actually working at my system. I have set up a scheduled process to kill dopus every night, and since doing that I never have the issue.

This leads me to believe that dopus is indeed the problem, as none of the other programs I leave running at the end of the day ever trigger the out of memory situation. When I start work in the morning, I start dopus, work all day long (use it as I have for over 10 years) and there is never a problem. So, I don't see how going thru the very time consuming processes in the faq are going to tell me anything.

Here is an example of what event viewer shows: (Warning 1/26/2013 12:44:06 AM Resource-Exhaustion-Detector 2004 Resource Exhaustion Diagnosis Events)

Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: dopus.exe (4492) consumed 27155709952 bytes, svchost.exe (644) consumed 402423808 bytes, and Ssms.exe (7424) consumed 276537344 bytes.

Since I started killing dopus at the end of the day, I no longer get that event (dopus using over 25 gigs).

Surely there must be more your support can do to help me?



What else is happening on your machine around the time that the low-memory events are generated?

There must be some activity which is triggering the problem, wherever the actual problem may be. Maybe one of the event logs will show some contemporaneous events which shine some light on what's going on. e.g. A backup or virus-scanner or over-night batch-processing job that runs on a schedule around the time (or starting some time before) of the memory usage.

If something is generating a constant and massive stream of filesystem activity it can mean Opus cannot process the change events as fast as they are being generated, so they start to queue up in memory. It takes a lot for that to happen, though, and would be extreme for it to result in gigs of memory usage.

But it could also be a 3rd party shell extension or similar that is loaded into Opus and going wrong due to some event during the night. That's why we suggest diabling shell extensions using ShellExView & then rebooting, to see if it helps. (You can always re-enable them the next morning if it made no difference.)

This seems to be exactly the problem I've been complaining for years (over email). It still happens today when I leave tab(s) pointing to some log directory...