Overwrite existing file on rename


I searched the forum and tried various methods (buttons, rename dialog, etc. but which are quite cumbersome), but it seems that there is no easy possibility/option that DOpus lets you overwrite a file when you rename a file to the already existing name. I have to do that very often and to delete the existing one first is cumbersome, especially if you forget it and have to redo the rename once again :frowning:

What I have in mind that you are presented an option to overwrite the existing file, or rename the new or the old, etc. (Similar to the copy dialog)

Remark: I have seen this feature in other file managers but I like DOpus much better.

What sort of rename are you doing? If it's fairly simple then the Copy (move) command might be able to take care of it, in which case you get all the overwrite-file stuff.

Normal rename. Select the file and hit F2.

The work flow is such that I have a new version of an already existing file but a different name. I copy the new version to the directory and then want to rename it to the old name with overwrite mode.

I have tried to use copy command with selecting the old and new ones in different listers and copy. But I find it difficult first to select the source then destination sometimes it was vice versa and I overwrote the wrong file.