Could you guys please help me with that? Upgraded to 13.13 and trying now to get the viewer opened with enabled lister link and at a specified position with a fixed size, so I tried:
Show LISTERLINK USEEXISTING=yes,avoid POS 790,1 SIZE 800,400 VIEWPANECMD=zoomgrow
But with these parameters, nothings happens. If I skip the "VIEWPANECMD=zoomgrow" portion, the viewer opens at least, but the fixed pos and size is ignored. At least the lister link works.
Many thanks, specifying a new command in a new line is working fine!
Any idea why the POS and SIZE statements are ignored? Currently the viewer always opens at the previous position and with the previous size. Actually this is fine for me, because my settings doesn't allow the images to modify the viewer window size/pos.
Just would be interested why these parameters are ignored.
Oh, and one more thing, in Dopus 12 I could only switch between the selected files/images when I opened the viewer. I found that very handy. Now, the whole folder is browsed, regardless of my selection. How can I restore the old behaviour?
Turn off the auto-size and auto-center options under Preferences / Viewer / Standalone Viewer / Size and Position. (The ones for lister-linked viewers.)
It looks like the LISTERLINK option causes the code to bypass the size and position logic at the moment. That seems like a bug to me, but I didn't work on that part of the code myself so I'm not sure if it was intentional or not. We'll have a look and see whether it can be fixed.