Parent navigation '..' doesn't select previous folder?

When I go one folder up (e.g. with a Backspace), the cursor in the parent folder correctly stays on the folder I've just navigated away from (e.g. if I go up from C:/Downloads/Multimedia the Multimedia folder will be highlighted in C:/Downloads).
This is very nice if you want to go back right away (so, a cycle of Enter/Backspace makes you stay in the same place), for example if you want to quickly check your current working folder, you go up, read the size and then hit Enter again and you're back in your working folder.

However, when I enable Show '..' parent item in folders, this convenient navigation scheme is broken. When I hit Enter, the folder I navigated away from is no longer selected, instead I get blank selection with my cursor at the '..' parent again, so to navigate anywhere else I'd need to first use an arrow key before I can use enter.

If this is not a bug, but a feature, would you kindly add an option to make '.. parent' behave exactly like regular folder navigation, so that when I double click/Enter '..' the folder I moved away from is highlighted.
Thank you

It sounds like you do not have Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Select previous folder when going Up turned on.

(And the selections you are seeing are due to the lister remembering what was last selected when you go back to a folder, which is often the child folder you double-clicked.)

Thanks for the clarification! Indeed I thought there was no such option because the default behavior was exactly what I'd expect (though it turned out to be for a different reason). Also it doesn't have the Back word that's used in other settings (may I suggest you add the word Back to this option similar to the way you use Up/Back in another case e.g. "Highlight previous folder on Up/Back for", which would make it a bit easier to find this option.

Now is there a similar option that would auto-select the .. parent top line when I enter a folder? That's quite useful when you enter a folder by mistake you can hit Enter again to return to your previous location without having to hit Down-Up-Enter or reach for the Backspace? There is imho no reason to clear selection on entering a folder as that's the main benefit of having this .. function turned on.

There is an "automatically select first file" option but it will skip over the '..' item, unfortunately.

Backspace is literally above Enter so it shouldn't be a big stretch?

@shouldn't be a big stretch?
But it is. I can reach Enter with one finger without lifting my palm from the keyboard base and without changing the position of other fingers on the Up/Down/Right keys, so can continue navigation with ease. If I reach out for Backspace, I have to change the position of all the fingers on the arrow keys. For example, it's easier for me to hit Up/Enter rather then do move my hand to backspace.

Of course, it's not the end of the world, wouldn't even raise to the level of medium importance, just a minor annoyance. It's just easily noticeable since i use it so frequently, but I guess with more time spent in Opus I'll hardly even notice it.

On the bright side, this made me come up with an even better solution — I've added left arrow keybind in addition to backspace. Now I don't even have to move to Enter to go up. And I've bound "Go FROMSEL" to right arrow, good bye Enter.
Thank you for not having this option as I now have an even better system of keybinds :slight_smile:

P.S. "Go FROMSEL" doesn't seem to open drives. Would you please suggest a more universal alternative? Thank you

Go FROMSEL not working in the Computer (This PC) folder is probably a bug. I've added it to a list of things to look at.

As a workaround, turning off Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / Native display of 'Computer' makes it work, but will also change the look & feel of the folder slightly.

Thank you for the workaround, though I do prefer the much more informative and better laid out look of the native PC folder. Will just reach to Enter once in a while.

Go FROMSEL will work in the native Computer folder in 12.0.8 and later versions.

[quote]However, when I enable Show '..' parent item in folders, this convenient navigation scheme is broken. When I hit Enter, the folder I navigated away from is no longer selected, instead I get blank selection with my cursor at the '..' parent again, so to navigate anywhere else I'd need to first use an arrow key before I can use enter.

If this is not a bug, but a feature, would you kindly add an option to make '.. parent' behave exactly like regular folder navigation, so that when I double click/Enter '..' the folder I moved away from is highlighted.
Thank you[/quote]

I'm looking exactly for that feature so I like to second that request. Without this a quick glance on folders content one by one is not to comfortable.

I also noticed when I go back to parent folder viewer doesn't remember my last position there. It scrolls to last current position but the folder appears at the very bottom of the window. Going up in the folder tree I would love to see my last position or (optionally) position centered on folder which I left.

Besides that there is slight delay (like half a second or shorter but noticeable) before scrolling to that position in a directory. This causes user to wait before taking next action.

For me this would improve responsiveness of keyboard usage in DOpus greatly.

It sounds like you do not have Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Select previous folder when going Up turned on?

I do have it selected. But it seems that DOpus doesn't remember last position when I go back using keyboard and "..". It selects it though but selected folder is visible at the very bottom of the window. Like here (vid).