Paste clipboard path to navigate to folder

I'd like to create a button that will paste the folder path from the clipboard and navigate to the specified folder. Currently, I paste the path into the navigation bar and press ENTER, but a button would be more handy. I experimented with the FOLDERCONTENT command, but couldn't figure out how to add this functionality.

Try this in a button:


Suitable for Ctrl+V hotkey.

AUTHOR   : Ken
Function : Paste, or navigate to path (pastes directly if not a single-path text, suitable for Ctrl+V hotkey)
Created  : 2023-08-20
Version  : v0.2 (2023-08-31)

function OnClick(clickData) 
    var cmd = clickData.func.command;

    // If clipboard content is not text (files/images), execute paste command and return
    if (DOpus.GetClipFormat() != 'text') {
        cmd.RunCommand('Clipboard PASTE');

    // Add string trim() method
    String.prototype.trim = function(s){s=s||"\\s";return this.replace(new RegExp("^("+s+"){1,}|("+s+"){1,}$","g"),"");}

    var clipText = DOpus.GetClip('text').trim();           // Get and trim clipboard text
    var lineCount = clipText.split("\r\n").length;         // Calculate number of lines
    if (lineCount == 1 && DOpus.FSUtil.Exists(clipText))   // If single-line text is a valid path, open it in new tab
        cmd.RunCommand('Go "' + clipText + '" NEWTAB')     // Modify function as needed
        cmd.RunCommand('Clipboard PASTE')                  // Otherwise perform paste

Both solutions work perfectly, and can be modified to to open in new tabs (or not), and more. Much appreciated!