I have 4 variations of this. Lets say I download a file "7z922-x64.msi" into its own folder called "7-zip". Sometimes I want to copy some text and save it as (the parent folder...) "7-zip.txt", or a url and save it as "7-zip.url", or save it as (by selecting the file 7z922-x64.msi file first before pressing the button...) 7z922-x64.txt, or 7z922-x64.url. The 4 buttons I use for this are:
- "Paste {c} to Parent.txt"
@set namepart "{sourcepath|nopath|noterm}.txt"
Clipboard PASTE AS {$namepart}
- "Paste {clip} to Parent.url"
@set namepart "{sourcepath|nopath|noterm}.url"
@set clipsave "{clip}"
Clipboard EXPANDNEWLINES SET [{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]\nProp3=19,2\n[InternetShortcut]\nURL={clip}\nIDList=
Clipboard PASTE AS {$namepart}
Clipboard SET {$clipsave}
- "Paste {clip} to (Selected).txt"
@set clipsave {clip}
Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "(.*)\.([^.]*)" "\1"
@set namepart "{clip}.txt"
Clipboard SET {$clipsave}
Clipboard PASTE AS {$namepart}
- "Paste {clip} to (Selected).url"
@set clipsave "{clip}"
Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "(.*)\.([^.]*)" "\1"
@set namepart "{clip}.url"
Clipboard SET {$clipsave}
Clipboard EXPANDNEWLINES SET [{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]\nProp3=19,2\n[InternetShortcut]\nURL={clip}\nIDList=
Clipboard PASTE AS {$namepart}
Clipboard SET {$clipsave}
I got the funny looking url files by creating a .url shortcut using Windows Explorer and simply looking at it in a hex viewer. No idea if this works generically but it does at my home and work (Win 7 Pro and Win 8.1 Pro),