Performance and searching in recycle bin

I found that DO takes a long time to refresh the recycle bin (~6 seconds) after not opening it in DO for a while. (It shows old content of the recycle bin while refreshing.) Windows explorer takes less than 1 second whenever I open it. This is inconvenient when I delete some files, regret it and want them back immediately.

I used the quick search with Windows Search in the recycle bin. The result in DO is different from running the search in Windows explorer. The search in Explorer will return files with matching name and apparently path. I'm not sure exactly what DO returns (it seems to be inconsistent), but one thing is that it doesn't restore the original filename and instead shows the internal gibberish filenames. It's also much slower than in the Explorer.

1 is very strange since Opus delegates the recycle bin to Windows, and has no real involvement in how that folder gets refreshed.

Make sure Opus isn’t running elevated, since that can block change events from reaching a process.

Hi, Opus isn't running elevated. It would be better if there's at least some indicator that the recycle bin file list is refreshing (like a spinning wheel or something), otherwise it's kind of confusing.

I've seen this happening since I started using Opus. It's kind of hard to reproduce since after that long loading, just deleting a single file and then check the recycle bin in DO won't have that long loading time (presumably since the majority of the list has already been loaded).

Another thing is that when Windows explorer is loading anything, it shows a loading circle on the tab. Directory Opus doesn't have an indication that it's loading, so it's often confusing. I think even just showing a loading circle would make the experience a lot better.

Opus will show this in a file display if the folder takes more than a second or two to load:

The only exception is system folders like recycle bin, since we have no idea whether they're loading or not. It's entirely up to Windows how long that takes.