Personal Folder Display Problem in Opus 10.x?


I hope someone can assist me with a folder display issue. I have Opus 10.x (including most recent beta) configured to display ALL folders in Details mode by default. For exceptions, like Photos, I have custom Path Formats set up to display thumbnails and etc. The problem I am having is that in Opus 9.x, my Personal folder (C:\Users\username) would obey this rule and display in Details mode. With 10.x, nothing in the personal folder is following my default settings... every folder from the personal folder on down is automatically switching to some Explorer-type icon list view (except where I have overridden with path format). VERY ANNOYING.

I set up a path format to force everything back to Details view, but my workaround isn't working too well because if I temporarily switch to thumbnails view or some other view setting, clicking a different folder forces the view back to Details mode. So my temp view setting does not "stick". This does not happen on my C:\ drive folder for example. If I switch to another view, my view setting will stick as I navigate around. Because I forced a folder view on my personal folder (and all subfolders), it overrides my temporary setting (as expected).

My question is with 10.x, how can I get the Personal folder to obey my default setting? I don't want it to go into icon mode, I want everything in Details mode unless I override it. BTW, I have content detection turned off, and the "native display" options UNchecked (checking them makes no difference). I reinstalled 9.x, 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2... and it seems this problem started with 10.0. Is there something I am doing wrong, or is there a way around this?

When it switches into Icon mode, what does the format lock tooltip say about where the format has come from?

Hi Leo... Thanks for the super-fast reply.

This was a very informative tip, I didn't realize it was there. It is saying the format is from "C:\Users<username>\Desktop". I do have an icon view set for the Desktop folder, but that folder is a level down from "C:\Users<username>". Is one of MS's junctions looping around on me?

I can kill the custom view on this folder to get me where I want to be, but is this a bug/issue/problem?


That seems strange.

Could you show a screenshot of what you're seeing, with the lister + tooltip both fully visible?

Hi Leo,

Here's a couple screenshots. #1 shows the personal folder with tooltip visible. #2 shows the folder format, noting the subfolder option is checked. #3 shows what happens when the subfolder option is UNchecked; the display is now correct (I forgot to show you the tooltip, but it says "Default Format").

Seems like perhaps a junction or something is recursing around, so that the Desktop folder somehow becomes a parent of the User folder? Unchecking the subfolder option (shown in #2) solved my issue. I do want to tell you that my folder settings have been carried over from way back in 9.x days, so something in 10.x seems to have changed with the way this particular folder is handled. (Maybe. ;0)

I believe it's because the user profile folders are descendents of the Desktop folder (as they are in the tree).

If the Desktop folder's format is set to apply to all subfolders as well, and if no intermediate folder overrides that with some other format, then you'll end up with the Desktop folder's format.

Turning off "use as the default format for all sub-folders" on the Desktop folder format (Options tab, when editing the format) would fix it. Or you could define a format for the C:\Users<username> dir and set that to apply to all sub-folders, so it will be used instead.