Picasa's 'locate on disc' opens Explorer not DOpus

In Picasa, Googles photo-indexing software, you can go to the actual file by right-clicking on a thumbnail and selecting 'locate on disc'. But I find that Picasa always opens the folder in Explorer, not in DOpus.

Since I've got DOpus set to 'Replace Explorer for all Folders', I was expecting that the folder would open in DOpus. Can anyone suggest how I can make this happen?

(Picasa version 2.7.0, DOpus ver, XP Pro).

You will probably have to talk to Google to ask them to change/fix the way Picassa launches folders.

Picassa is probably calling ShellExecute on the folder and specifying the "open" verb when it should, if its aim is to simulate a double-click on the folder, be passing NULL for the verb to allow the default to be used.

The default verb is not necessarily "open"
blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archi ... 32224.aspx

Thanks for the suggestion. I've posted a query about it on the Picasa forum. (http://groups.google.com/group/PicasaSomethingBroken/browse_frm/thread/d7ad7d39143164d3#)