Pinned search folder

When, trying to locate a file, perform a "find file" search to a folder and - at the same time - try to continue working in a different tab of the same lister, the search folder-tab becomes the working folder which breaks the initial search. My workaround is to open a duplicate lister. In the first one the search continues to be performed and in the other I continue working in any tab. I wish I could work using another tab of the same lister by "pinning" the search folder, not allowing it to change following the working tab.

Changing folders or tabs once the search has started should not affect the results of the search (only if you do a new search after changing folders or tabs).

There is a lock button next to the path field in the Find Files panel which controls whether the path follows the active tab or not, so you can have it fixed to a path that only changes when you explicitly say so. (Only for the Find Files panel. Doesn't affect what the Windows Search field on the toolbar does if you type into it; that always works on the active tab.)

Thanks! I hadn't noticed that, problem solved!