I'm trying to remove 6 numbers from alot of filenames. How would I do this using the rename tool?
More specifically I need find either 6 numbers in a row and remove them or remove the last six characters before the file extension.
Well an ugly but simple Regular Expression would do the job:
(I'm just learning these, so I'm sure an expert like nudel can give you a better one)
Old Name: (.*)[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]0-9
New Name: \1\2
Type: Regular Expression
How it works:
I create three groups, (.) is for anything before the six numbers, the second (.) is for anything after. The () make that text remembered and recallable with #. Regular expressions are really cool, I really recommend looking at them. Opus has great docs with this too. They're in Appendix - Regular Expression Syntax.
perfect bayes~
I searched all over the help for "numeral wild card" and there it is in the appendix. /me hits head
Thanks for you help.