Hi guys, I noticed in DO12, that when you change the default behaviour of Filter Bar, the Go hotkey "/" stops working, any workaround? I want to use the filter feature as the default, but also want to use the Go stuff, by pressing "/".
Looks like the only way to prevent this is to push the F4 key prior to typing the "/".
/ is not a default hotkey for opening Find As You Type, so it would not normally do anything (except type a / into the filter bar) if the filter bar was the default mode.
You can make / open FAYT in Go mode by going to Settings > Customize Toolbars > Keys, then adding a new lister hotkey (not system-wide) for / which runs either CLI QUICKGO (to open the field with nothing in it initially) or CLI QUICKGO=/ (to open it with a / in it initially, as you may be used to, and assuming you usually want to navigate to an alias).
Thanks for the responses, Leo is like omnipresent on the forum!
As Leo suggested, create a hotkey solves the problem, but is kind of clunky, may I suggest that the FAYT could be more smarter?. Ex: If I'm on Filter Mode, and introduce something like /, erase all the filter content and put it to Go mode, or :, whenever it makes sense(if the character before is a valid disk letter, like e:), go to Go Mode.
That's what the FAYT already does, but the problem is you're not in the FAYT, you're in the Filter Bar, which is a completely different control.
This is a quite interesting usage of the CLI command. I have some suggestion, for which i don't want to open a new thread, because it's only a minor thing.
If i use "CLI QUICKGO=/", & start typing then, the "/" will be overwritten. Maybe you can change the command to avoid selecting the slash, so that it would not being overwritten? The cursor is already behind the slash, correctly, but the selected state of the character doesn't make much sense, in my opinion.
I'd like to add, the focus also should move to the aliases list after that CLI command, ready for arrow key navigation. Currently, we need some "right arrow" action first, to get into the alias list. Anyway, i have started using this combination.
In 12.0.7 you'll be able to run CLI QUICKGO=noselect:/ and then start typing an alias.
Great, thanks!