Possible bug in find in files

If I use the find files function with only specified the "time: Within 2 hours" criteria:

I get incomplete and unpredictable results. Some files modified within the last 2 hours are listed, others are not. If I change the criteria to 120 minutes the results are widely expanded, containing files modified a few days ago.

I admit as long as I don't specify the date, it might not be clear if the file has to be from today, although I would find that more easy to understand. However 2 hours / 120 minutes should get the same results and it would be nice if every folder/file created within the last 2 hours would be listed.


Use the Advanced mode if you want to specify the time range exactly.

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Thanks for the info! Can confirm that in advance mode I get exactly what I was looking for, which is great!

But why is that? This would be important for me to know because if the default search is so unreliable, I shouldn't use it at all.


Can you give some examples? It's very hard to guess without them.

I agree, could be hard to reproduce. I don't even know whether the same thing happens on your machines. Considering Jons statement, I wasn't sure whether this is by design or not. Because in advance mode it works exactly as expected, but the behavior in standard mode is completely different.

What kind of example would help? A series of screenshots? A video? Just a description?

It might help if you first test whether the same results appear for “within 2 hours” or “within 120 minutes”. If not, it's actually already wrong, isn't it?


I've had a look and it seems to be a bug. It looks like the 'hours' and 'minutes' labels for time (within) are swapped around (so "120 minutes" would actually search within 120 hours, and vice versa).

Thanks for bringing it to our attention - we'll get that fixed.


This exactly explains what I was seeing! Thanks!