Possible minor bug in edit mode (

When editing a command button on Windows XP, using a small 15" monitor (i just mention this, because it perhaps wouldn´t occur on a monitor with enough space), in the "arguments" list of the extended editor, some sub arguments on the right will appear in a disconnected manner (from the drop down cascade) at the far left, whereas i would expect them to appear directly attached to that menu at the left side.

So navigating to those sub arguments with the mouse doesn´t work, because the cascade will close once the mouse cursor is moved over the gap towards the sub args on the left. It´s still possible, though, using the up/down arrows to select them.

If there isn't room for the child menu on the right, it opens on the left of the menu.

That's probably not ideal when the menu has multiple columns. We'll look at making it open on the left of the menu item rather than the menu itself.

(For what it's worth, you can still get to the sub-menu's items using the mouse, as long as you're not too slow.)

Thank you for the answer. I´ll try that.