Possible to disable "open all files" by pushing ENTER?

I just tried to zip over thousand files, but somehow must have been hitting ENTER, so over thousand instances of Wordpad popped open,
forcing me to reboot. Is there a way to get rid of that functionality in details mode? I only saw that option for power mode, which i rarely use.

I don't think there is a way at the moment.

Note that Windows 7 and 8 let you close all instances of a program with a single click if you need to:

You can go to Customize dialog and add key shortcut for Enter. This way you can change what DOpus does when you hit Enter.

@Leo, good to know, i didn't check out the taskbar icon, but had a look in my process hacker, which i use as
the task manager. There was no parent process, to close them all.

@daroc, i'm not sure if that would work for me, since i use Enter to open single files, like documents or images.

Thank you both!

Try using @firstfileonly

Hmm, i have to open folders with Enter, too. I almost exclusively use the keyboard. A command like @firstitemonly would be required for that. :neutral_face:

It's possible to do what you want with nircmd.exe:@firstfileonly [PATH TO]\nircmd.exe shexec "open" {filepath}

That works, indeed. I happened to have some Nirtools here. Amazing. Thanks daroc & kundal.

You should add return val 0 to the nircmd command because otherwise you'll get an annoying popup window when pressing enter without anything selected:

@firstfileonly [PATH TO]\nircmd.exe shexec "open" {filepath} returnval 0

Thanks kundal. There is another small problem, that i can't use Enter anymore in the menues. Your addition eliminates
those pop-ups, but i can't reach items any longer, if there is no accelerator code available (the undelined items).

Update: I found a workaround. It's also possible to use Ctrl-Enter to access any menu items.

It never happened to me (at least it wasn't destructive enough to remember that) to accidentally hit Enter when multiple files are selected.
To be honest, Enter key is one of those most multi-functional so I would rather leave it as it was to avoid conflicts like the one with menus. But I personally changed ESC behavior (and it works fine for me) - this is why I suggested changing default action for Enter.

PS. It surprised me that changing action for Enter key affected menus for you, while changing ESC didn't change anything in using menu on my computer.
This is why I did a quick test. I tried to assign Enter key for one of my buttons ("edit with notepad") and check if Enter works in menu - and it did! Nothing changed for context menus as well as for main menu.
(Please note that my toolbars and menus are strongly customized and are very different from default ones but I think DOpus should behave consistently.)

A better way to do this might be to edit the double click event on the all files filetype.

Also, you should not need nircmd as the Opus FileType command can run the open verb or similar.

Hi leo,
I checked both open and dblclk with the FileType command. They are working fine with folders but whith files @firstfileonly doesn't work.

The double click event on the all files filetype isn't part of the problem because you can't open multiple files by double clicking into a selection.