Power Mode Information


I have read about Power Mode but still don't have much of an understanding of it.

Can someone tell me (in your own words)...
1: When to use it.
2: What is different about it and let's say, Details mode.
3: When not to use it.
4: Does it have any advantages over other modes?


There's a pretty comprehensive description of Power Mode in the Help file including comparisons with Details mode. See http://www.gpsoft.com.au/help/opus10/#!Documents/Prefs/Power_Mode.htm

Regards, AB

I saw that before; I will just have to try it for awhile to wrap my head around it.


For what it's worth, I see no use for it. Details with filters and Flat View is enough Power I need :slight_smile:

Thanks, Ktbcrash.

Kind of what I was thinking also. It seems that Power Mode is nothing more than a lot of custom settings grouped together into a single mode. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

Any more thoughts on the subject?


Power Mode was originally designed to emulate the way Directory Opus used to work on the Amiga; it was mainly to support people migrating to Windows from the Amiga platform. It was extended with quite a few options in the early days in response to user feedback (from an admittedly small number of users), and really just remains for historical reasons. I don't use it myself but I know some people still do - particularly people moving over from Total Commander, who can use the various options to more or less emulate that program's rather unusual interface :slight_smile:

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A GREAT BIG THANKS to one and all. THAT is what this forum is all about; users helping users.


More than kind of out of context , but ... Jon wrote about Power Mode:

I am one who Does Use Power Mode on Occassion !
And it really is much more than just a catch all.

These days you don't ever find it fills a personal need ?
Hmmm ... perhaps it would be better for you out on the Islands or something ?



Tell us about the benefits of Power Mode like...
1: When do you find it useful.
2: What features do you find helpful over the more standard options.
3: Can it do some thing that non-Power Mode can't do?

Etc, Etc.


I use it regulary. It is dificult for me to live without it*. Most imporant (for me) features of this mode is selection of multiple elements just by dragging mouse with LMB pressed and that selecting an element does not automatically deselect an elements already selected.

*) Maybe because I'm Amiga user since 1993. :sunglasses:

Good to know.
