Precedence of label application

In the first screen grab, which shows the "spring loaded" view, the lbltest folder is shown in black on green as per the corresponding specific folder label definition. Both subfolders of lbltest are shown in red as per the Hours24 filter label definition. Since there is a specific subfolder definition that matches lbltest_subf1 I expected that to take precedence over the filter label. In the second screen grab, which shows the subfolder view of lbltest, the specific label definition of black on purple has been applied. This seems inconsistent.


Relevant label definitions follow...

The last screenshot shows it matching on subf1 not lbltest_subf1.

Here's the label definition and a side by side view. The issue, as I see it, is that the label is applied inconsistently.

Specific-folder labels apply when you're in that folder. When you've just expanded that folder, you're not in it - you're in a parent folder.