Preferences are not stiking

I set my preferences and then use Backup and Restore to back them up. When I exit dopus and then reopen it, I have to do a restore because my preferences do not “stick”.
How do I get my preferences to “stick”?

Which settings are not sticking?

Which version of Opus are you using?

When you exit Opus, are you using File > Exit Directory Opus, or something else? (If you are killing dopus.exe via Task Manager, that could be the problem.)

Thanks for responding.
The settings that are not sticking are in the Listers e.g. Folder/File size, date and time, file type, description…
The dopus version is 12.0.
I was closing using the X in the upper right-hand corner or right clicking the dopus icon on the task bar and then Close Window.
Following your suggestion, File Exit Directory Opus does maintain my settings.

12.0 is very old now. Please update to the current version, 12.9.

See Folder Formats: Quick Guide for the proper way to save your default columns for all folders.