Press key to goto file/dir?

How to activate if you press H you toggle between all the H files/directories like in Explorer?

By default:

Push H once, then keep pushing either Tab or F3 to find the next match.

(If you push H twice instead, it will find the first file starting with "HH".)


Push * to open the filter bar, then push H, and you'll see just the files with H in them, or type H* to see only the ones which start with H. With all the other files hidden, you can move between them normally. If using the keyboard, push Esc once to return focus to the file display, and push Esc a second time to clear the filter.

Even more alternatively:

In Opus Pro there is also Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: fayt_firstchar_repeat, which can be turned on to make it so if you keep pushing H, H, H, H it will move between files starting with H as in Explorer, instead of using Tab or F3, but then it's harder to jump to a file that starts with "hh", although you can do it by mixing case, like "Hh".

Thank thee!
Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: fayt_firstchar_repeat
was working in both world: I can F3 and H H H ^^ cheers