i using verison 12.
hi wonder how it could be possible to Press spacebar for preview file ?
i using verison 12.
hi wonder how it could be possible to Press spacebar for preview file ?
Assuming you also want the preview to close when the spacebar is released, there's nothing built-in like that. (Maybe a script could do it; not entirely sure.)
Making each push toggle the viewer would be possible instead.
There are also third-party tools that'll do it at least one of which knows how to work with Opus. QuickLook has been mentioned in a few forum posts, although I don't know the proper URL for it (and there seem to be at least two things named that on the Microsoft Store).
Quicklook works well for my purposes.
Try: Release 3.7.3 · QL-Win/QuickLook · GitHub
Differences Between Distributions
The .msi installer version is most recommended (and also available via Chocolatey). It contains the full features of QuickLook, including previewing selected files in the Open- and Save-File Dialogs.
The .zip package is for those who want a clean and simple experience. However, one needs to unlock the .zip file manually before extraction, otherwise QuickLook will crash.
Microsoft Store package is for those who do not want to be bothered by manual upgrades. However, this version is being upgraded slower than other two (1 to 3 working days) and does not preview selected files in the Open- and Save-File Dialogs.
The nightly builds contain the latest features, enhancements and bugfixes. These builds might not be stable. It usually takes several weeks before a nightly build is being published to stable channels.
Thanks for pointing this utility out. Looks handy thus far. Not sure about continued development based on GitHub info, but still useful.
Seer seems to be more powerful than QuickLook, but is not free.
but i cant make quicklook show anything for office365 documents as docx and xlsx, it doesnt work
i edited the button in the toolbar regarding preview to use ths shortcut spacebar- that toggles the preview