"Previous" tab

Is there a way to get rid of the "previous" tab...I'd just like to set it up where I have the Explorer view, the dual vertical view, and the image view.....but there's no "remove" option for the "prrevious" tab...I figure I must be missing something since that tab wasn't there when I first Installed the program...at least I think not...

Also is there a way to change the color of the tabs...that toolbar can be changed but the tabs don't change...

much thanks...this is a great program by the way...

I'm fairly certain the Styles field will always display all styles In Preferences > Layout > Lister Styles, plus the unlisted Previous Style.

You most likely didn't notice it. Actually the Previous Tab is always selected when you open a new lister.

A style is really a saved collection of lister elements: folder tree, viewer pane, dual/single lister pane, et cetera (except toolbars). The Previous Style is a dynamic style that captures the previous collection of lister elements after any changes that you have made to the current lister. The Previous style tab essentially is an "Undo button" for the last change you made in terms of opening or closing a lister element.

I believe the Previous Style is also used to store which lister elements are used in each lister opened by a Lister Layout.

Unfortunately there is no color controls for Style Tabs. I will submit a feature request for this.

You do however have the option of making the Style Tabs Transparent, such that they pick up the color (or background image) of the toolbar they are on.[ol][li] Right-click the toolbar[/li]
[li] Select Customize[/li]
[li] Right click the Styles: field[/li]
[li] Enable the Transparent Tabs Option[/li]
[li] Exit Customize mode[/li][/ol]

Ok, thank you very much