Problem when collection in a menu


i have a menu in a toolbar which contains the following code :

Go coll:// FOLDERCONTENT=norecurse

It shows me a list of collections and open it in the lister on a click.
If i remove the "norecurse" parameter, i can see the files under the collections, but if i click on a Excel file, for example, it launches Excel with an error : cannot find the Coll://Collection/xxxx.xls

Is it a normal behaviour or should Opus send the "real" path of the file to Excel ?

It's probably a lucky accident that coll:// works at all here, but since it does almost work it seems like something that's worth making work fully.

I've filed a request for you.

Oh i did not know it could work but that was jon himself who had given me the method to put Collections in such a button :slight_smile:

Thanks for the request