Problem with Adobe Lightroom post Opus work

I am having problems cataloguing graphic files with Adobe Lightroom after sorting drives and folders using Opus. I posted a question in the Adobe forum and got the reply here -
Any comments on the sentence there -
"Perhaps if some other program or utility has modified these files, in a way that makes them no longer compatible?"
Not knowing how either Lightroom or Opus keeps track of files they manipulate I don't know if this is a possibility or a bit of buck passing!

What have you done with the files? What's the relationship with Opus and this problem (Opus isn't mentioned at all in the thread)?

From the information so far all we know is that Lightroom can't load your image files for some reason.

If you're going to do any sort of file management with images that will go into Lightroom, it's very important that you do that file management before importing the images into Lightroom. Once you have them in Lightroom all file management for those images must be done with Lightroom alone. This is because Lightroom is a database, once an image has been imported into it, all of the information about that image goes into the database which Lightroom uses. Thus if you move or change anything about an image with any other program including Opus, Lightroom will no longer have that image in sync.

There is one exception. If you physically move a folder of images with Opus or another program, Lightroom does have an option to let you show it where you put the folder of images.

Leo - Using Opus I used both find (and delete) duplicates in 3 drives and then used synchronise to get all drives holding the same files. So Opus effectively was used to find, delete and synchronise the files and folders on the drive subsequently imported into the Lightroom database. Opus is not mentioned specifically in the thread but reference is made to the possibility that "some other program or utility has modified these files".

John - I think you may have pointed to the problem in your last sentence. I'll investigate that angle as some files and folders were reorganised during the process described above.


As John Zeman says, if you have images in Lightroom and alter or delete them in Dopus or any other program, Lightroom cannot know about those changes by the very nature of its working.

You can sync the images to the folder afterwards but it is far from ideal and can cause all kinds of problems which are hard to foresee.

Essentially, if you use Lightroom to manage your images, you should do it all from the program. The physical location of files is irrelevant to Lightroom in terms of cataloging and managing, so Dopus is mostly superfluous to serious image management anyway.